
東京の普通の会社員の日記。本や映画の感想、自然観察、日々の思い、など。 興味は科学、数学、脳と心、精神世界、植物、育児、教育、ビジネス、小説、などなど。

The Diamond in Your Pocket - 20,THE MIND'S SURRENDER TO SILENCE

The Diamond in Your Pocket: Discovering Your True RadianceThe Diamond in Your Pocket: Discovering Your True Radiance

the Diamond in Your Pocket、20, THE MIND'S SURRENDER TO SILENCEより。

Stopping is,first of all,recognizing that as thought arise,you have a choice: your mind can either follow the thouhts or to be still,letting them arise without touching them.My invitation to stop is not to build thought upon thought,not to fantasize or reply old events.The choice is for the mind to be still,and in that chose is the possibility of recognizing what is always still,whether there are thoughts or no thoughts.

我々は思考が湧き上がってきたとき、無意識にfollowし、thought upon thoughtの状態になってしまいます。それ以外の選択肢があるということに気が付くことが第一歩なのかもしれません。これはgangajiさん限らず、Spiritual Teacher達が良く言っていることですね。

Stopping is not a practice.It is simply the opportunity to see that within this seemingly endless flow of thoughts,there is a choice to not follow the thoughts.In not following thoughts,the mind stops,and what is here,what is silent,and what is always stopped can be revealed. In an instant of recognizing the silence that is always here,you recognize your true face.

話は変わりますが、Ramana Maharshi - Papaji - Gangaji、という教えの継承があるというのは素晴らしいですね。禅みたいですね。教えも禅に似ていますが、それよりこのGangajiさんや、Eckhart Tolleさんが言っていることははるかにわかりやすいです。